Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I am so stinkin' proud of my friend Brenna. She is the total package: smart, tragically beautiful, a loyal friend, and a goofball. What more could you possibly ask for?! The first time I met Brencat we were dating twins, I remember being so nervous to meet the other brother's girlfriend; what if she hates me, was a major thought going through my brain. But she hopped right off her stool at Fridays and gave me a huge hug!

We liked hanging out and we got along just fine but unfortunately, for someone I saw almost every day, we never really got a chance to know each other. Our boys took up so much energy and time that our relationship really didn't turn into all that much. One gigantic positive to parting ways with our guys stemmed from the fact that we had more room to breathe and put energy into things that are a little more lasting, our friendship.

 Bren Bren has grown leaps and bounds this year and I admire the woman she is becoming. I feel so protective of her; I've never had a little sister of my own and I feel like she is quickly taking on that role. She is so brave, works hard, makes me laugh like crazy, and gives the best karaoke performances ever! I mean you gotta love our rendition of Sandra Dee, and how she goes balls out with Limp Bizkit! This is one girl who has a personality and isn't afraid to show it, and it's one thing I absolute adore about her!

Thank you, Lovey, from the bottom of my heart, for being such a supportive friend!

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