Monday, November 8, 2010

First Post Ever!

Hey Everyone!

I'm so excited to be starting a blog, this is something I've been wanting to do for a super long time. Please, bear with me as I fumble and bumble my way through my first few posts as I become more familiar to this whole thing. Expect edits to the layout and content as I continue to learn new and interesting ways of working a blog. I'm not as trendy or creative as my friends who have amazing fashion blogs so I hope to use this space as a platform of all things encouraging, inspiring,  and things that have helped shaped me into who I am today. I'm surrounded by incredible people with remarkable stories and I can't wait to highlight them! This will also provide an arena to showcase products, looks for less, how to's, designs, art, music etc that I enjoy!

I'll probably struggle through this for a while as I find my voice, excuse the cliches, I'm totally up for constructive criticism and if you happen to have any questions that I may help answer about hair, make-up, or anything else your cute little noggin's can think up I hope to be a person you can trust with professional opinions, tidbits, and cheer!

Thank YOU,
