Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I spy Mr. Tumnus

I've been lounging on my couch looking super cute (loads of sarcasm) with tissues strewn about. It is that time again, Little Mani is awfully sick. But the weather has proven to brighten my day! Even though I am tucked away inside and missing out on some crucial changing of seasons; it has felt amazing to prop my windows open, hear the birds sing, and watch the squirrels play on my stairs! I have been able to sleep in the sunbeams on the floor wrapped in a blanket and pretend it was the warmest of summer days or that I was a kitty rolling around and showing off in the steams of light.

My yard is filled with these little violets  that smell so incredibly lovely, I just couldn't pass up the chance to snap a few shots! It looks enchanted; my lamp post is straight out of Narnia and I catch myself day dreaming that faeries or gnomes are going to flit about and make friends with my over abundance of squirrels. It really is squirrel heaven, they are all having a party in my yard!

View: Between the House and Garage Facing West

View: South West Facing of Side yard 

View: South East Facing the Back Alley Drive
My Mumma has been amazing, as usual. She made me some soup so I will feel better! Mum makes the most delicious soup and she is the greatest Mumma any girl could ask for, I'm so so so lucky! She is my best friend too so that makes everything extra sugary sweet and she is sssuper pretty! Yep, this is officially one of the dorkiest posts ever but I don't care, I'm a giant nerd bird.

My Mum and I on the Patio of Logan's

Lots of Snot and Love,